Wednesday, 14 January 2015

WRITING OUT LOUD // Life with gramps.

day after day
letting time go by
a new routine

a transition phase
not in a rush
following through

life has changed
life is change
day after day

I'm learning to enjoy this 'down-time', this time of no official employment, this time of being available to help those around me, including my grandpa. For the last 8 months I've been living with and caring for my grandpa as he's recovered from a car accident and hip surgery. It's been a new experience, and I always seem to have something going on. And I always have an excuse to not put much effort into creating a new job proposal and developing some new Art Therapy contracts... It's one of the things that requires a little more balancing in my life. Something that will continue to change. It's important not to get caught up in trying to figure out the big picture but to take one day at a time. 


  1. I wonder how you will look back at this time in your life in 10 years or so. Maybe as real special and worth while, this time "in between"

    1. Yep, I'm hoping so. I'm enjoying the time, but I also feel guilty that I'm not doing more or have let my Art Therapy work sit on the sidelines for now. It's one of those things you just gotta work through.
